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Best home exercise equipment for beginners
In this article I will show you how you can do full body workout with this affordable home exercise equipment for small spaces
If you do not like to visit gym or in crowd places .you can still can perform full body workout at home with my minimal tools suggetions .
First of all lets understand why its important to do exercise in your daily life .
I have written full article .here is the link benefits of exercise
THREE important benefits we get from exercise .
1)Produce happy hormones
2)Remove waste product
3) Improve good night sleep
4)Strong muscle and joints
so what are you waiting for to add healthy habit of exercise in your daily routine .Don’t worry if you have large space at home .That’s why I have recommended this tried and tested affordable home exercise equipment for small spaces.
why I always encourage to start exercising ?
If you don’t do any exercise then your muscles and bones become weak in your old age .The cases we are seeing right now in our daily opd younger generation have weaker muscle and bones .It will lead to dependency in old age.
I Really want to share a secret that If you keep doing exercise daily or atlear 4 days in a week you can still run,jump and walk in your old age .
full body workout necessary home exercise equipment for small spaces :
1)Here first tool is one I USE IN MY DAILY LIFE dumbells.
I personally using since 7 years at my clinic and for personal use as well.
In the beginning you can start with 1 kg dumbell and gradually you can increase whatever comfortable weight you feel.
5 Most important things to remember :
1)D0 stretching and warm up exercise before starting any exercise :
The reason is to prepare muscles for exercise and prevent any injury .
2)consistency is key to success. If your goal is to maintain tone of the muscle and staying fit .by regular exercise is also gives you great results.
3)start with 10 repetition and gradually increase the repetition and set .
4)simple don’t do wrongly and over repetition.
Bring the gym at home with affordable exercise Equipment for small space :
I usually not going to any gym for fitness .Its not that i don’t like t0 but lack of time and circumstances .I Used to prefer doing exercise at home with my favorite TheraBand exercise.
you can buy great quality TheraBand from here BEST THERABAND .Resistance level light is recommended for patient because they have very low level of strength .
In theraband you can start from light resistance to heavy resistance .
for young or middle age individual can buy moderate level of the resistance band .
Here are the few exercise with theraband you can start to improve your posture .


3)yoga mat :
A good quality yoga mat gives you great comfort for doing floor exercise .
here is the link of great quality yoga mat what I use for every day exercise .

4)pull up bar :
pull up exercise is mandatory for everyone .because it involves overhead activity .which reverse the muscle load due all day downward movement of shoulder .
HERE is the best pull up bar

5) sand bag
sand bag are very great exercise tool to strengthen muscles of upperbody and lower body .

6) physioball :

This is very good for core muscle exercise and balance and coordination exercise .
I will share you few physio ball exercise here

7) Medicine ball:

Medicine ball uses to strengthen specific core muscles .very good for strengthening abdominal muscles .

The link in this article are affiliate links of mine .why to use this affiliate links to buy products ?As a physiotherapist I am using this products from years to treat patients as well for my personal use .I Have tried and tested so many tools and this are the best brands and quality affordable Yet durable products .Time is money .It will save your time and energy .Thank me later .
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